Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Where do you ship from?

A. We ship from our partnered warehouses & factories located in China. So, please expect your items to be shipped separately (if you order more than one item) as different factories specialize in different areas of manufacturing.

Q. Does this store sell internationally?

A. Yes, we sell all over the world! Unfortunately, there may be some countries where the delivery of our items will not be possible, but in most cases, orders can be processed as usual. 

Q. Who can I contact if I have a problem with my order?

A. All inquiries can be forwarded to or simply head to our Contact Us page .

Q. How can I pay?

A. We accept all Major Credit Cards such as: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express and Paypal with complete payment security.

Q. Is the checkout on this site safe and secure?

A. Yes, it is our top priority to make sure that all payments made in this store go through 100% safe and secure checkout.